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  4. Hate Valentine's Day? Tips to cope via personalised Post-it® Sticky Notes
 Hate Valentine's Day? Tips to cope via Post-it® Note

Hate Valentine's Day? Post-it® Note tips to help you cope

Valentine’s Day is not everyone’s favorite holiday. Whether you’re single and don’t want to deal with it, or you’re in a couple and…don’t want to deal with it…sometimes it just seems like all the chocolate and cards and weird, chalky candy hearts are impossible to get away from. If you’re not a fan of Valentine’s Day, here are a few tips to use to get everyone to leave you out of it using Post-it® Super Sticky Notes.

  • Tip #1:

    Celebrate all the money you’re saving by spending it on yourself.

  • Tip #2:

    Have an un-Valentine’s Day party for everyone else who hates Valentine’s Day. Pretend it’s Halloween.

  • Tip #3:

    Mark your calendar with a Post-it® Super Sticky Note and cash in on cheap candy the next day.

    Mark your calendar

  • Tip #4:

    Just tell everyone to leave you out of it. It might sound simple, but give it a shot.

    Just tell everyone to leave you out of it

  • Remember, it may be Valentine’s Day for the rest of the world, but it doesn’t have to be Valentine’s Day for you.