When you’re planning your day, your first instinct might be to reach for your calendar, a large sheet of lined notebook paper or your smartphone. We suggest starting small - with a single Post-it® Note.
At first glance, it’s easy to think a 76 mm square would be way too confining, but as you’ll soon see, paring your day down to the essentials keeps your day manageable, goal-oriented and far less stressful than an endless list.
Start with a spiral notebook, a pack of multi-colored Post-it® Notes, a pack of Post-it® Strong Index, a notebook and pen.
Set up two facing pages for each category you need organised.
Write down MUST DO TODAY items you want to get done, each on their own Post-it® Note, and place them on the left side.
If it doesn't fall into the MUST DO TODAY category, the item goes on the right side.
Once you've accomplished a task, simply toss your note in the closet recycling bin. Out of sight. Out of mind.
Your mission is to be looking at an emply page by the end of the day.
To further organise your tasks using the same system, you can break them up into tabbed sections such as: Family, Financial, Home, Work, Weekend, etc. using Post-it® Index Strong
Stick a pad of Post-it® Super Sticky notes on the cover. That way if you have time, you can begin planning for the next day or even the next week or month.
Whichever route you take, one of the simple joys of Post-it® Notes is their flexibility. Nothing is ever set in stone and a re-working of whatever problem is as close as the next note down.